Projects to Look at
Stateside Legal: :
A Reading List
On Design Process
Richard Buchanan, 2001, “Design Research and the New Learning,” Design Issues, Vol. 17, No. 4.
Jakob Nielsen. Usability Engineering. 1993. Boston: Academic Press.
Human Centered Design Toolkit on Design Research
On Legal Communication Design
Getting Graphic, Corinne Cooper, 1994, Visual Tools for Teaching 7 Learning Law
On explicitly Legal Product/Service Design Projects
Charles Owen, Ronald Staudt, Edward B. Pedwell, “Access to Justice Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants,”
Alan Preston. “Designing the Australian Tax System.” Managing as Designing. Edited by Richard J. Boland, Jr. and Fred Collopy. Stanford Business Books, Stanford, 2004.
RSA Virtual Day in Court
On the Solutions: Designing Usable, Accessible Legal Services
Richard Granat, 2004, “Everyday Law for Everyday People,” The Many Faces of E-Lawyering, ABA Law Practice Management Section, January/February, p. 36.
Chris Johnson, 2009, “Leveraging Technology to Deliver Legal Services,” Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 259-283.
Carolyn Elefant, 2012, “The Start Ups That Give Access to Justice Are Already Here,”, March 22, available at, accessed on April 8, 2013.
Christina Farr, 2012, “Meet the startups that are giving everyone affordable access to justice,”, March 20, available at, accessed on April 8, 2013.
88 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 917 (2012-2013)
Gaming the System: Approaching 100% Access to Legal Services through Online Games; Hornsby, William E. Jr.
Richard Zorza. Designing from the Ground Up, A Self-Help Centered Court. Washington, DC: State Justice Institute, In preparation.
Anna Ronkainen. “Software Usability and Legal Informatics.” October 15, 2012. Available at
Alan Preston. “Designing the Australian Tax System.” Managing as Designing. Edited by Richard J. Boland, Jr. and Fred Collopy. Stanford Business Books, Stanford, 2004.
Charles L. Owen, Ronald W. Staudt, and Edward B. Pedwell. “Access to Justice: Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants.” Institute of Design and Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Ginnifer L. Mastarone and Susan Feinberg. “Access to Legal Services: Organizing Better Self-help Systems.” Professional Communication Conference, October 2007. Seattle.
Berkman Report, July 2010, “Best Practices in the Use of Technology to Facilitate Access to Justice Initiatives,” – A2J REport for Massachusetts Judge –
Chicago Kent College of Law: Leveraging Law Students & Tech to Meet the Legal Needs
Richard Zorza’s Access to Justice blog,
88 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 945 (2012-2013)
Liberty, Justice, and Legal Automata; Lauritsen, Marc
On the Changes in Legal Industry & Ed
Richard Susskind, 2001, Transforming the Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Susskind Tomorrow’s Lawyers
88 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 757 (2012-2013)
Teaching of Law Practice Management and Technology in Law Schools: A New Paradigm, The; Granat, Richard S.; Kimbros, Stephanie
Tanina Rostain, Roger Skalbeck, and Kevin G. Mulcahy. “Thinking Like a Lawyer, Designing Like an Architect: Preparing Students for the 21st Century Practice.”
On the Challenges: Access to Justice Crisis, etc.
United States Department of Justice, 2013, “Access to Justice Homepage”, Available at, accessed on April 8, 2013.
Deborah Rhode, 2001, “Access to Justice”, Fordham Law Review, 1785, 69, Available at, accessed on April 8, 2013.
Deborah Rhode, 2011, “Access to Justice: An Agenda for Legal Education and Research,” White Paper for the Consortium on Access to Justice, May 2, Available at, accessed on April 8, 2013.